Which is the most complex machine on earth and perhaps the universe?

Namaste Folks!! Which is the most complex machine on Earth and perhaps the universe? It is the three pounds of jelly-like material found within our skulls. The brain's phenomenal features are only possible because of the hundreds of billions of neurons that make it up , and, importantly, the connections between those neurons. A lot is known about the properties of individual neurons and simple neuronal networks, and the aspects of complex neuronal networks are beginning to be unraveled. Neurobiology is the study of the nervous system and how nerves affect behavior using a broad scope of scientific approaches. It seeks to understand how the nervous system functions, mature, and maintains itself; both in healthy individuals and in individuals with the brain, neurodevelopment, or psychiatric disorders, with a primary focus on the structure and development of the central nervous system, which consists of the brain and the spinal cord. Hence neuroscience research often focuses on how...