Namaste Folks!!
Which is the most complex machine on Earth and perhaps the universe?
It is the three pounds of jelly-like material found within our skulls.
The brain's phenomenal features are only possible because of the hundreds of billions of neurons that make it up, and, importantly, the connections between those neurons. A lot is known about the properties of individual neurons and simple neuronal networks, and the aspects of complex neuronal networks are beginning to be unraveled.
Neurobiology is the study of the nervous system and how nerves affect behavior using a broad scope of scientific approaches. It seeks to understand how the nervous system functions, mature, and maintains itself; both in healthy individuals and in individuals with the brain, neurodevelopment, or psychiatric disorders, with a primary focus on the structure and development of the central nervous system, which consists of the brain and the spinal cord. Hence neuroscience research often focuses on how the brain influences cognitive behavior and function.
Neurobiology is the study of the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system. It is a branch of life sciences that deals with how the brain works.
Nerve cells are capable of communicating with each other in a highly structured manner as to form neuronal networks, that's what makes the nervous system such a fantastic device and distinguishes the brain from other organs of the body. In order to understand neuronal networks, one needs to understand the ways in which one neuron communicates with another through synaptic connections and the process called synaptic transmission. The two aspects of synaptic transmission are excitation and inhibition.
What is fascinating is just a few interconnected neurons (a microcircuit) can perform sophisticated tasks such as mediating reflexes, processing sensory information and generating locomotion, and mediating learning and memory. Microcircuits, which are more complex networks consist of multiple embedded microcircuits and mediate higher brain functions such as object recognition and cognition. Thus, multiple levels of networks are ubiquitous in the nervous system. Nanocircuits, the networks prevalent within neurons, constitute the underlying biochemical machinery for mediating key neuronal properties such as learning and memory and the genesis of neuronal rhythmicity.
The synapse is the terminal region of the axon and it is here where one neuron forms a connection with another and conveys information through the process of synaptic transmission
Neuroscience, or the science of neuron, is the study of the chemical, biological and anatomical processes that influence the brain’s behavior and function. Neuroscience research topic areas have a wide range but primarily cover how the nervous system’s function and structure relate to disease, behavior, and cognitive processes. Advances in any of the major branches of neuroscience contributes to research in the field as a whole; hence neuroscience research is a rapidly-growing discipline.
This subject combines a variety of interdisciplinary fields, including medicine, chemistry, psychology, molecular biology, anatomy, physics, and other life sciences to understand the nervous system. This field also helps decode the complex workings of the brain with an increasing number of tools, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, electroencephalogram (EEG) machines, and 3D imaging technology, seeking to explore the brain’s impact on behavior and cognitive functions.
Understanding the brain plays a critical role in treating and preventing many neurological conditions, as it affects such a wide range of human functions. Neurobiology also helps advance our understanding of various neurological disorders and injuries, including ADHD, addiction, autism spectrum disorder, stroke, brain tumors, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, etc.
Neuroscience and Sleep
With the growth of neuroscience as an established interdisciplinary field in the late 1900s, neuroscience research began turning its attention to sleep. Animals require a certain amount of sleep to function, and hence sleep is a critical neural behavior at the risk of their health. The neuroscience of sleep looks at what constitutes sleep, how sleep is triggered, what happens in the brain during sleep, and how sleep disorders are caused and treated. A “polysomnography,” or EEG sleep study is a specific type of EEG testing which is devoted to assessing sleep disorders. It is an overnight procedure that measures body activity (heart rate, breathing, and oxygen levels) while an EEG scan is performed.
Neuroscience and behavior
The study of neuroscience and human behavior examines the neurobiological components of normal and abnormal motivation. Motivation is not just an attitude; it is a neurological behavior that involves biological and psychological processes. Motivation at the biological level is to meet survival needs like food, shelter, and water.
A number of factors can contribute to whether an animal maintains a motivational drive to meet their basic needs at the psychological level. Experiencing neurological disorders such as depression and schizophrenia or diseases like addiction disrupt motivation.
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