Drug that keeps surface receptors on cancer cells makes them more visible to immune cells


Prochlorperazine (PCZ) inhibits the internalization of receptors on the surface of the tumor cells, thereby increasing the ability of the anticancer antibodies to bind to the receptors and mount more effective immune responses.
PCZ enhanced the ability of anticancer antibodies to reduce tumor growth in mice, by temporarily increasing the clustering of a receptor targeted by anticancer antibodies on the surface of tumor cells. Temporary treatment of cancer patients with PCZ similarly resulted in receptor clustering on tumor cells inside of patients.
In addition to treating nausea and psychosis, PCZ is currently used in laboratory as inhibitor of endocytosis. The temporary inhibition of endocytosis via molecules such as PCZ has been proposed for numerous clinical applications, including control of viral infection, epilepsy and chronic kidney disease.
When tumor samples from patients were analyzed with sqaumous cell carcinoma, they found that decrease in endocytosis of a protien called epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) was associated with better clinical responses to the cancer drug cetuximab, an antibody that binds to and inhibits EGFR.
If we stopped the drug targets getting inside the cells by inhibiting the uptake process, called endocytosis, we got a really big immune response against the tumors in mice was founded in the current study.
This led to the concept that temporarily halting endocytosis of receptors that are the targets of monoclonal antibody therapies may be used to improve clinical outcomes.
According to the new study combination therapy with PCZ and cetuximab reversed resistance to cetuximab therapy and inhibited tumor growth more than either treatment alone.
Similarly combination therapy with avelumab - an anticancer antibody that inhibits a protien called programmed death ligand PD-L1 inhibited tumor growth in mice more than either treatment alone "the findings highlight the crucial role of availability and persistance of molecule targeted by therapeutic antibody at the cell surface of tumor cells says scientist.
PCZ can help in relieve severe nausea and vomiting associated with vertigo. It works by blocking the effect of a chemical in the brain called dopamine.
PCZ can also cause side effects, including tremors and abnormal or involuntary body and facial movements.

REFERENCE- Medicalxpress


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