Health benefits of CoQ10 Enzyme

Health benefits of CoQ10 Enzyme

What is CoQ10?

Coenzyme Q10 is a natural, vitamin-like compound that all cells need in order to make energy. CoQ10 is a compound made by your body and stored in the mitochondria of your cells.The mitochondria are in charge of producing energy. They also protect cells from oxidative damage and disease-causing bacteria or viruses.

How does it work? (The basic about Ubiquionol aka CoQ10) 

Within our systems, unpaired electrons called “free radicals” are floating around.  Unstable free radicals strive to actively seek and search for cells in your body to steal electrons.  This “mission,” called oxidation, can cause extreme cell damage.  One way to prevent this damage from occurring is with antioxidants.  Antioxidants are unique in that they have extra electrons that can pair up with the free radicals, thereby neutralizing and stabilizing the free radicals within our systems. As a powerful antioxidant, ubiquinol can protect against free radical damage and promote heart health. 
Your body participates in a dynamic process whereby the donated ubiquinol electron is converted into CoQ10 or Coenzyme Q10.  The process doesn’t stop there.  Your body has the rare ability to recycle it back into ubiquinol so that it can continue to donate its additional electrons to free radicals. This transport of energy is crucial to the process.  Unfortunately, as we age, our ability to convert CoQ10 diminishes.  Your body may have the available CoQ10 but cannot efficiently donate electrons to convert the CoQ10 to ubiquinol as it had in the past.

NOBLE prize winning scientist who revolutionized CoQ10 research

Like many other little boys, Peter Mitchell was curious at a young age. But unlike many other boys, Mitchell grew up to become a Nobel Prize-winning scientist and researcher. In 1961, his proposal of the electron transport chain and its vital role in Coenzyme Q10 and ubiquinol was to spark a revolution that to this day affects nearly all biochemistry research.  It opened doors for further investigation like the studies done by Gian Paolo Littarru and Karl Folkers.  Both Littarru and Folkers clarified the importance that CoQ10 played in optimizing heart health by focusing on its deficiency in the human vascular system.  However, without initial work by Dr. Peter Mitchell, it’s difficult to know exactly where clinical studies on heart health and cardiovascular disease would be today.
Without Dr. Mitchell’s influential work in biochemistry, ongoing research would have never uncovered much of what we know about CoQ10 today. CoQ10 is now recognized as an irreplaceable component in the energy-production process. Without it, cells would cease to function as they should.  In fact, CoQ10 exists in two forms within your body: ubiquinone and ubiquinol.  But, ubiquinol happens to make up nearly 95 percent of the existing Coenzyme Q10 in the human body with especially high concentrations located in the heart.  While ubiquinone (the oxidized form of CoQ10) is found within the cells of the kidneys, liver and pancreas, your body needs to convert it from ubiquinone to ubiquinol to obtain the antioxidant properties that are so crucial for optimal heart health.

CoQ10 Health Benefits
The following is a list of the main benefits of CoQ10.

1. Treat Heart Failure

CoQ10 seems to help treat heart failure by improving heart function, increasing heart production and limiting oxidative damage.

2. Help with fertility

The antioxidant properties of CoQ10 could help improve sperm quality and reduce the decline in the number and quality of eggs in women.

3. Help keep your skin young

When applied directly to the skin, CoQ10 can reduce sun damage and increase antioxidant protection. Supplementing with CoQ10 may also help decrease the risk of skin. 

4. Reduce Headaches

Supplementing with CoQ10 seems to help prevent and treat migraines, as it increases mitochondrial function and reduces inflammation.

5. Help with Diabetes

Supplementing with CoQ10 can help increase insulin sensitivity and improve blood sugar levels.

6. Role in Cancer Prevention

CoQ10 plays a critical role in the protection of cell DNA and cell survival, both of which are strongly linked to cancer prevention and recurrence.

7. Good for the Brain

CoQ10 has been shown to protect the brain cells from oxidative damage and reduce the action of harmful compounds that can lead to brain disease.

8. Protect Lungs

CoQ10 can reduce oxidative damage and inflammation that results in diseases of the lungs.

That is all about CoQ10 , some key benefits and a basic intro to the enzyme CoQ10. I hope you have found the article interesting more interesting things to come so stay tuned. And Think Fast Or Slow But just think .


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