
Showing posts from 2018


GLYCOLYSIS The official spokesperson of carbohydrate metabolism ,'glucose', speaks: "I burn myself to provide fuel to life! Generated through gluconeogenesis by my friends; Engaged in the synthesis of lipids, amini acids; Deranged in my duties due to diabetes melitus." INTRODUCTION Glycolysis is derived from the Greek words (g;lycose- sweet or sugar; lysis -dissolution). Universal pathway in the living cells. This pathway is often referred to as Embden Meyerhof pathway (E.M. pathway). Definition:  Glycolysis is defined as the sequence of reactions converting glucose(or glycogen) to pyruvate or lactate, with the production of ATP. what i am gonna do now is try to make it more interesting for you guys to understand this topic.. it will be a brief conversation between 2 people so lets see how it goes. Fun way to understand glycolysis The conversation between two people to make you guys understand glycolysis more efficiently.


Namaste Folks!! Anti Psychotics Part 1 The psychopharmacological agents or psychotropic drugs are those having primary effects on psyche (mental processes) and used for treatment of psychiatric disorders. Psychoses These  are severe psychiatric illness with serious distortion of thought, behaviour, capacity to recognize reality and of perception (delusions and hallucinations). Neuroses These are less serious; ability to comprehend reality is not lost, though the patient may undergo extreme suffering. Depending on the predominant feature.. (a) Anxiety An unpleasant emotional state associated with uneasiness, worry, tension and concern for the future. eg. Students can relate this type of feeling right before an important exam. (b) Phobic states Fear of unknown or of some specific objects, person or situations. (c) Obsessive compulsive disorder Limited abnormality of thought or behaviour; recurrent intrusive thoughts or ritual like behaviours which the pa


ACE Inhibitors Linked to Higher Lung Cancer Risk The use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to lower blood pressure was associated with an overall increased risk for lung cancer of 14% compared to hypertension therapy with angiotensin  receptor blockers (ARBs), a large, population-based cohort study shows. The widespread use of ACE inhibitors for the treatment of hypertension, this relatively modest association could result in large absolute numbers of patients at risk for lung cancer, the researchers warn. An analysis of primary care records of almost one million patients in the United Kingdom showed that as treatment with ACE inhibitors continued, the risk for lung cancer increased. For patients who took ACE inhibitors for 5 years, the risk for lung cancer increased by 22% compared to those who took ARBs. The increased risk for lung cancer peaked at 31% for patients who took ACE inhibitors for 10 years or longer. Secondary analyses showed that the use


Namaste Folks!! Hope you all doing well. So, today i am gonna tell you something interesting about a drug which is used in common infections like urinary tract infections, respiratory tract infections, bacterial diarrhoeas and dysentery, Pneumocystis jiroveci, chancroid, etc. COTRIMOXAAZOLE The fixed dose combination of trimethoprim  and sulfamethoxazole  is called cotrimoxazole. Cotrimoxazole introduced in 1969 causes sequential blog of folate metabolism. Trimethoprim is >50,000 times is more active against bacterial DHFRase than against the mammalian enzyme. Thus, human folate metabolism is not interfered at antibacterial concentrations of trimethoprim. Individually, both sulfonamide and trimethoprim are bacteriostatic, but the combination becomes cidal against many organisms.  Sulfamethoxazole was selected for combining with trimethoprim because both have nearly the same half life (~10 hr). Optimal synergy in case of most organism is exhibited at concentration

Health benefits of CoQ10 Enzyme

Health benefits of CoQ10 Enzyme What is CoQ10? Coenzyme Q10 is a natural, vitamin-like compound that all cells need in order to make energy. CoQ10 is a compound made by your body and stored in the mitochondria of your cells.The mitochondria are in charge of producing energy. They also protect cells from oxidative damage and disease-causing bacteria or viruses. How does it work? (The basic about Ubiquionol aka CoQ10)  Within our systems, unpaired electrons called “free radicals” are floating around.  Unstable free radicals strive to actively seek and search for cells in your body to steal electrons.  This “mission,” called oxidation, can cause extreme cell damage.  One way to prevent this damage from occurring is with antioxidants.  Antioxidants are unique in that they have extra electrons that can pair up with the free radicals, thereby neutralizing and stabilizing the free radicals within our systems. As a powerful antioxidant, ubiquinol can protect against fre

How to Be Happy

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do is in Harmony.” Mahatma Gandhi. Why does it sometimes seem  so hard to be happy ? Yeah, I’ve also asked myself that many times. Maybe you, like me,  have reached the point where that famous “comfort zone” just isn’t enough anymore . It’s actually become an “uncomfortable comfort”. Or maybe, deep down, you just have that feeling that  there must be some way to feel better in life . If so …Kudos! to all you out there, who like me,  dare to question things, want to figure out how to be happy, or at least want to try!   Finding yourself here, reading this post, is a good sign  and means that you’re willing to change. Which is Awesome, because I’ve prepared  a few tips  that’ve already begun to help me (being happy is a day-to-day job). I’m sure that if you start practicing them,  being scientifically proven, you’ll get there too. 1- FIRST, CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY, THEN THINK ABOUT HOW TO BE HAPPY Bonnie Ware  w