The Structure of DNA

The Structure of DNA Do you recognize this molecule? This is DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid. By the end of this blog, you will be able to identify the key structural features of DNA, as well as describe the importance of those features for function. We will look at different representations of the DNA molecule to better view certain details, but all views represent this same structure. Inside the cell, you will most commonly find double- stranded DNA, in which two strands intertwine to form a double helix. The most common form of the DNA double helix, which is what we will discuss here, is also called B-form DNA. Now, let's move to a more simplified representation of DNA to discuss the details. We can unwind the double helix like this so that we can see the chemical structure inside. Each strand is a polynucleotide, meaning the strand is made up of many individual units called nucleotides. A nucleotide has three components, the fiv...