
Showing posts from February, 2019

Knock Knees

KNOCK KNEES Knock knees are angular deformities at the knee, in which the head of deformity points inward. A standing child whose knees touch but whose knees touch but whose ankles do not is usually said to have knock knees. During childhood, knock knees are a stage in normal growth and development (physiologic vagus). Between birth and 18 months, an outward- turning(varus) alignment from hip to knee to ankle is normal. The alignment returns to neutral as the child grows. What causes knock knees? Knock knees are usually part of the normal growth and development of the lower extremities. Some cases, especially in a child who's 6 or older, may be a sign of an underlying bone disease, such as osteomalacia or rickets. Obesity can contribute to knock knees- or can cause gait(walking) problems that resemble, but aren't actually, knock knees. The condition can  occasionally result from an injury to the growth area of the shin bone(tibia), which may result in just one kno

100% Cure For Cervical Cancer & Human Papillomavirus

After 20 Years, This Mexican Doctor Found 100% Cure For Cervical Cancer & Human Papillomavirus Its a medical breakthrough unlike any other, Eva Ramon Gallegos, a Mexican scientist has a finally developed a cure to eliminate 100 percent human papillomavirus and prevent the spread of cervical cancer among women. Human papillomavirus (or HPV) is very common is widespread all over the world. There are over 100 variants of HPV of which at least 14 can cause cervicasl cancer (CCU), which is quickly becoming a leading cause for death among women cancer patients worldwide, according to world health organization (WHO). But thanks to the tireless, two-decade long effort of Dr Eva Ramon Gallegos and her research team at Mexico's National School of Biological Sciences (ENCB) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), there is now a thereapy that eliminated 100% of HPV. Dr. Gallegos specializes in the study of photodynamic therapy in ficghting HPV and early detection and  100% e

Diversity of Life

Taxonomy Taxonomy (arrangement by the rules) is the branch of biology that deals with identification (placement of new organism into a previously described group), nomenclature (the naming of organisms) and classification (ordering of organisms into groups- can be phenetic or phylogenetic) of organisms. Systematics is the process of organizing taxonomic information about organisms into a logical  classification that provides the framework for all comparative studies. It is the scientific  study of biological diversity and its evolutionary history. Systematics and taxonomy are collectively referred to as the systematic biology. Levels of taxonomy There are three levels of taxonomy: Alpha taxonomy : It is concerned with finding, describing and naming of organisms. This is the first and most basic step in taxonomy. Beta taxonomy : It includes identification of natural groups and biological classes. Gamma taxonomy : It includes study of evolutionary processes and patterns.