GLYCOLYSIS The official spokesperson of carbohydrate metabolism ,'glucose', speaks: "I burn myself to provide fuel to life! Generated through gluconeogenesis by my friends; Engaged in the synthesis of lipids, amini acids; Deranged in my duties due to diabetes melitus." INTRODUCTION Glycolysis is derived from the Greek words (g;lycose- sweet or sugar; lysis -dissolution). Universal pathway in the living cells. This pathway is often referred to as Embden Meyerhof pathway (E.M. pathway). Definition: Glycolysis is defined as the sequence of reactions converting glucose(or glycogen) to pyruvate or lactate, with the production of ATP. what i am gonna do now is try to make it more interesting for you guys to understand this topic.. it will be a brief conversation between 2 people so lets see how it goes. Fun way to understand glycolysis The conversation between two people to make you guys understand glycolysis more efficiently. ...