Namaste Folks!! Anti Psychotics Part 1 The psychopharmacological agents or psychotropic drugs are those having primary effects on psyche (mental processes) and used for treatment of psychiatric disorders. Psychoses These are severe psychiatric illness with serious distortion of thought, behaviour, capacity to recognize reality and of perception (delusions and hallucinations). Neuroses These are less serious; ability to comprehend reality is not lost, though the patient may undergo extreme suffering. Depending on the predominant feature.. (a) Anxiety An unpleasant emotional state associated with uneasiness, worry, tension and concern for the future. eg. Students can relate this type of feeling right before an important exam. (b) Phobic states Fear of unknown or of some specific objects, person or situations. (c) Obsessive compulsive disorder Limited abnormality of thought or behaviour; recurrent intrusive thoughts or ritual like behaviours which th...